China zoo turns Chow Chows into panda cubs

Taizhou Zoo in China’s Jiangsu Province recently debuted two „panda dogs” – Chow Chows dyed black and white to resemble pandas. 

A zoo spokesperson has confirmed that the panda dogs were Chow Chows that the zoo purchased and dyed after the facility was denied the opportunity to house giant pandas.

The dogs unmasked themselves to the public by joyously wagging their tails. 

The spokesperson added that even though news of the panda dogs’ true identity has spread, the dyed Chow Chows are still a draw for visitors to the zoo.

According to NBC, a zoo official told the outlet that the panda dogs are still on exhibit. The outlet also reported that the zoo had responded to criticism about its choice to dye the dogs, telling Qilu Evening News, „Normal people dye their hair. Dogs can dye their hair, too.”

But the innovation, however cute it might be, has drawn justified controversy: 

„This is something that’s kind of being forced on the animal for the sake of human entertainment,” Ron Magill, director of communications at Zoo Miami stated, „Zoos are there to inspire … or to promote conservation. They’re not there to promote painting domestic animals with colors to represent wild animals.”

„It is not funny at all to dye Chow Chow dogs to attract tourist”, one commenter said on Weibo. “Their fragile skin and naturally thick coats make them susceptible to skin diseases”. 

This is not the first time the appearance of a zoo’s animal resident has caused alarm in China. In July 2023, the Hangzhou Zoo in Eastern China had to officially deny claims that one of its sun bears was a human in a bear suit after footage of the animal standing on its hind legs went viral.

„Some people think I stand like a person”, the zoo said in a statement written from the bear’s perspective. „It seems you don’t understand me very well.

In 2019, a dog cafe in China also attracted controversy when Chow Chows dyed to look like bears were found there, NBC informs.

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