Dutch tourist perishes in Țarcu Mountains avalanche

A Dutch tourist has died after being caught in an avalanche, while four other skiers narrowly escaped.

The events took place during a skiing expedition in the peaks of the Țarcu Mountains, accessible only by helicopter. The same helicopter would transport the victim to the hospital in Caransebeș.

Rhe 44-year-old Dutch skier had set off with four other skiers on a mountain expedition to Căleanu Peak, at an altitude of over 2,000 meters.

They were surprised by a snowslide, and the Dutch skier was caught in the snow.

His body was discovered hundreds of meters away.

The man’s body was taken to the hospital’s morgue, pending an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death, reports Romania Insider.

The police have opened a criminal case for manslaughter and are now trying to understand in what circumstances the tragedy occurred.

Initial data suggests that the tourists were doing heliskiing, an extreme form of skiing where athletes are transported by helicopter to the most remote mountain areas, where the snow is untouched.

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