America to squash Russian influence in Moldova with millions of USD

Sursa: Pixabay

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday pledged $135 million in aid to Moldova for energy security and to counter Russian disinformation on a visit to Chisinau, reports the AP. 

$85 million will go to bolster energy infrastructure and $50 million is aimed at overhauling the energy and farming industries and deterring disinformation.

“That in turn will bolster the ability of Moldovans to resist Russian interference, to hold free and fair elections, to continue down the path to the European Union and Western integration, to create more economic opportunity,” Blinken said. “One of the other things that’s so important is sharing information about disinformation and misinformation, which is one of the most potent hybrid tools that Russia uses — and that’s something that we are doing.”

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the USA has provided the Republic of Moldova with $774 million. Circa 300 million USD were used to supply Moldova after it was nearly cut off from Russian energy in the winter of 2022. 

After the most recent development, Moldova’s President Maia Sandu thanked the USA and said that Moldova now sources natural gas from multiple sources, including the USA itself. 


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