NATO member Romania builds shelters to protect its citizens from Russian drone attacks

Zona unde o drona ruseasca ar fi cazut si explodat in urma cu 2 zile, langa localitatea Plauru, Tulcea, 7 septembrie 2023. Inquam Photos / Ovidiu Micsik

NATO member Romania has built drone shelters for villagers along its border with Ukraine after the area was showered with debris from Russian drones.

The concrete bunkers built in the Danube delta are a meter and a half high and ten meters long.

People living in eight villages in the area have been warned to run to the shelters if an air raid warning is sounded by the authorities.

Romania found more debris suspected to be from a Russian drone on Wednesday, following Russian strikes on Ukrainian Danube ports just across the border.

It was the third such discovery on Romanian soil in less than two weeks.

Russia has repeatedly attacked Ukrainian ports along the Danube since the collapse of a grain deal in mid-July that allowed Ukraine to safely ship its grain through the Black Sea.

In a statement, the Romanian Ministry of National Defense reiterated that Russian attacks on Ukraine’s Danube port infrastructure so near Romania would contradict rules of international law.

The Romanian Air Force first identified the fragments as potentially from a drone, and the Romanian authorities then identified the source as a drone similar to those used by the Russian Army. The Ministry of National Defense said that a verification team would continue to analyze the debris.



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