Putin replaces longtime ally as defense minister

Russian President Vladimir Putin has fired his longtime friend as Russia’s defense minister in a wide-ranging reshuffle of his most senior allies as his troops continue to advance in Ukraine.

Putin tonight fired Sergei Shoigu, 68, and appointed him as secretary of Russia’s national security council. Reports say he has proposed little-known Andrey Belousov, 65, to replace Shoigu as defense minister in his new government.

The move appears to be a snub to close ally, Shoigu, the man he put in charge of his war and Russia’s longest serving minister.

The 68-year-old has been in the role since 2012 and is to be appointed the head of Russia’s Security Council.

Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov is a civilian unlike Shoigu, who has played a key role in Russia’s war with Ukraine.

Until now, Putin had stood by Shoigu despite military setbacks in the first year of the invasion of Ukraine and his public feud with Wagner mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin who launched an insurrection last year calling for Shoigu’s removal.

The reshuffle of the military command is the most significant Putin has undertaken since his full-scale invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022.

The announcement came as thousands more civilians have fled Russia’s renewed ground offensive in Ukraine’s northeast that has targeted towns and villages with a barrage of artillery and mortar shelling.

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