“Suckers and losers”: US presidential debate turns laughable

Sursa foto: zn.ua

Joe Biden was certainly not in his best shape in the first televised presidential debate of 2024. 

This was the second time Biden and Trump were in debate since 2020. 

The debate lasted for 90 minutes, in which Biden seemed tired, disoriented, and confused in his affirmations. 

Even democrats expressed significant concern at his performance, though Vice-President Kamala Harris tried to defend him by saying “it was a slow start, but there was a strong finish”. 

Halfway through the debate, Biden’s campaign told reporters that the president had a cold in an attempt to explain his raspy voice. 

Trump repeatedly attacked Biden on the economy and his foreign policy record. 

 Biden hit Trump about his criminal conviction and alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election, which did stir a reaction in Trump. 

„Donald Trump once called veterans losers and suckers. Here’s the truth, Donald: You’re the sucker. You’re the loser”, says a tweet of Biden’s.

Many of Biden’s answers were nonsensical, such as the “We finally beat Medicare” comment. 

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence, and I don’t think he did, either”, Trump said about Biden. Trump, most agree, looked well in comparison. 

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