Bucharest to modernize warning siren system

NASA imaginea Bucuresti 10 decembrie

Bucharest’s public warning siren system will be modernized, mayor Nicușor Dan said. According to him, only about half of the capital’s 300 emergency sirens are currently functional.

„This system, composed of 300 sirens and 6 alarm centers located in the capital’s districts, has not had significant investments for more than 30 years. Only 155 sirens and two centers are operational today, and most sirens can only be operated manually”, mayor Dan said.

The City Hall allocated RON 2.7 million (plus VAT) for this project. According to the plans announced by Nicușor Dan, all 300 sirens will be upgraded and 10 new control centers will be purchased.

“We will make a modern, integrated and centralized system, which can be operated at the touch of a button”, the mayor said.

Ceausescu, Gorbachev and the anti-atomic bunker that blocked the Romanian leader’s escape in 1989


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