Faced with corruption history, Romanian Orthodox Church proposes internal police

Foto: INQUAM/George Călin

Patriarch Daniel, the head of the Romanian Orthodox Church, has launched a proposal that would allow him to sanction corrupt bishops within the Church.

The Patriarch, through the Permanent National Church Council, has proposed the establishment of „Canonical Bodies for Legal and Financial Control” within the Orthodox Church, Romania Insider Reports.

These will be coordinated under the trust of the Patriarch of Romania or the Metropolitan, by an episcopal vicar, according to the official statement.

This would criminalize corruption and influence peddling in the internal regulations of the Church, says G4Media.

The Patriarch will likely choose the coordinator of this new legal and financial control body, which will monitor potential acts of material corruption, embezzlement, illegal fund acquisition, bribery, receiving bribes, influence trafficking, and buying influence.

If the Church’s Synod approves these proposals, it will be the first time the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church will have a tool at his disposal to sanction corruption among high-ranking clergy.

Currently, the Patriarch lacks such a tool for exercising authority, the decentralized leadership making it almost impossible for a Patriarch to remove a bishop. Such an institution, once established, could contribute to reforming the Church, which is often plagued by priests or hierarchs suspected of corruption.


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