Goodbye, Mircea Carp of Radio Free Europe

Mircea Carp has passed away at the age of 101. 

Mircea Carp was an officer in the Romanian Royal Army, journalist and political analyst, and one of the leaders of the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe. 

The Romanian Royal Family has used a statement calling Carp “an example of constancy and devotion, of honor and temperance, of professional rigorousness and altruism”. 

He was knighted with the Cross of the Royal House of Romania in 2015 by his contemporary, King Michael of Romania. 

Hailing from families with important roles in Romanian history, such as the Catargiu and Ibrăileanu families, Mircea Carp fought in WW2. 

He emigrated to Austria and the United States with the arrival of the communist regime in Romania. 

He started working at Radio Free Europe in 1978, as the host of the “Political Program”, and was famous for his perpetual conclusion: “Să auzim numai de bine!” (“Good news only!”). He was assistant director at Free Europe until he retired in 1995. 

At the Voice of America, he was first a host, and then the head of the Romanian section. 

He is the author of a memoir entitled Vocea Americii în România (1969-1978), published with Polirom in 1997. 

The Royal Family made the announcement of his passing public, also calling him “one of the most profound examples of a true patriot”. 

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