Moldova brings criminal case against pro-Russian local leader to court

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A Moldovan leader has been accused by prosecutors of channeling funds from Russia to a pro-Moscow party in the former Soviet republic.
Evgenia Gutul, who heads the pro-Moscow autonomous region of Gagauzia, has tense relations with the central government, which fears Russia and exiled oligarchs meddling in its political affairs.
Prosecutors accuse of her of funelling funds from Russia from 2019-2022 to finance the outlawed pro-Russian „Shor” party set up by Ilan Shor, an exiled pro-Russian businessman convicted of fraud in Moldova.
„Gutul… was actively involved in the systematic introduction of unaccounted financial means into the Republic of Moldova that were received from an organized criminal group, mainly from the Russian Federation,” prosecutors said.
Gutul who has repeatedly called for closer ties with Moscow, said the case, which carries a jail sentence of up to seven years, was fabricated. The case has been sent to court but no date has been set for the trial.
Moldova, which lies between Romania and Ukraine is led by pro-European President Maia Sandu and is hoping to join the European Union by 2030.
Relations with Russia have deteriorated as the pro-European government has condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It has accused Moscow of plotting the government’s overthrow and expelled Russian diplomats.
Moldova has a Romanian-speaking majority and a large Russian-speaking minority.  Moldova’s foreign policy has swung between a pro-Western and a pro-Russian path in the last 30 years.
Gutul has traveled to Moscow to meet high-ranking officials in recent months and last month met Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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