Romania’s ruling coalition ahead in poll before European elections

Sursa: Facebook
Romania’s ruling coalition of Social Democrats and the Liberals are forecast to get 43.7% of votes in the June 9 European Parliament election, an opinion poll showed Tuesday.

The survey showed that 17.5% of Romanians would vote for the Alliance for Uniting Romanians (AUR), a populist right-wing group founded five years ago which opposes migration, vaccines and military aid for Ukraine.

Romania holds local and European elections on June 9, with presidential polls in September and parliamentary elections later in the year.

The two ruling parties are running on joint lists in the European election in an effort to stop votes going to AUR, which won seats in parliament for the first time in 2020 with 9% of votes. It has seen its support grow during the pandemic and after Russia invaded Ukraine.

Despite the good news  for the ruling coalition,many voters are still undecicded.

The Social Democrats and the Liberals formed a coalition government in late 2021, together with smaller ethnic Hungarian party UDMR in a bid tobring stability to the nation of 19 million which neighbors Ukraine. The Hungarian party left the government last year in a row over sharing ministerial seats.

TAhe pollc carried out  by INSCOP  also showed an alliance of center-right parties led by the opposition Save Romania Union (USR) would get 14.1% of votes.

However, voter turnover is likely to be low, the poll predicted.  Some 51.3% of those polled said they would turn out to vote. Voter confidence has been dented by a lack of trust in the government, corruption and bureaucracy.

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