Woman attacked by wolves just outside Paris


A woman is in intensive care after being attacked by wolves while jogging in an animal park near Paris. 

She was pounced upon by three arctic wolves and suffered severe bites to her neck, back and a leg, says the BBC.

The woman was rescued after park attendants heard her screams as she was being attacked, and was taken to a nearby hospital.

The 36-year-old victim, who was staying at a lodge within Thoiry park, seems to have strayed into the main safari zone, which is reserved for cars. It is not clear whether she personally wandered off accidentally, or if there was something erroneous about the signposts.

Thoiry is one of France’s most popular wildlife parks. Some 800 animals kept there are allowed to roam free while visitors watch them from the safety of vehicles.

The park offers accommodation near the wolf and bear enclosures, with the lodge area protected by electric fences and ditches.

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