Entire photo archive of communist regime to be digitalized

Sursa: „Fototeca online a comunismului românesc” Cota: 58/1970

The Institute for the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism and the Memory of the Romanian Exile (IICCMER) announced on Tuesday that the photo archive from the communist regime will be fully digitized, a process that will last six years.

„The Institute for the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism and the Memory of the Romanian Exile announces that it has concluded a collaboration protocol with the National Archives of Romania (ANR), for resuming the digitization of photographic materials managed by ANR, in order to supplement the IICCMER Online Photo Library database”, reads an IICCMER release sent to AGERPRES.

At the end of the project, the public will have free online access to a database containing photos from 1945-1989, but also from 1921-1944.

IICCMER states that within 6 years, approximately 100,000 photos will be digitized.

The organizers intend to digitalize of 18,000 photographs annually, in the framework of an ample digitization project that is meant to contribute to the transparency of an important aspect of the history of Romanian communism. In addition to the goal of digitizing archival material, IICCMER is considering rebuilding the online platform that hosts the Photo Library, as well as improving the search engine to resume the process of making the materials available to the general public. The IICCMER online photo library currently houses 5,600 photos.

Apel al IICCMER către martori care deţin informaţii despre posibile cazuri de omor în urma tentativei de trecere a frontierei în perioada comunistă


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