German defense minister promises Moldova 14 Piranha-3H armored vehicles to help against Russia

Sursa foto: Ministerul-Economiei

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius promised Moldova 14 Piranha-3H armored vehicles and continued military support against threats from Moscow.

He visited the country, which neighbors Ukraine, Friday at a time when Moldova’s pro-Western government says it is battling against Russian efforts to meddle in domestic affairs.

Moldova is military neutral but has beefed up its defenses since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, fearing Russia could seek to topple its Western-leaning government.

Moldovan Defense Minister Anatolie Nosatîi received Pistorius with military honors in the capital, Chișinău.

„Together we will oppose Russian efforts at hybrid warfare to destabilize other countries,” Pistorious said. He said Moldova belonged to „the European family” and had taken „impressive steps” on the path to EU accession negotiations.

Hybrid warfare is when attackers use a combination of traditional military operations, economic pressure, computer attacks and propaganda in the media and on social media.

Pistorius said that further defense support for Moldova would arrive next year. Contracts have been signed for the delivery of a further 14 German-made Piranha-3H armored transport vehicles, adding to 19 delivered in 2023.

Germany is also supplying medical equipment for Moldova’s armed forces  including first aid kits worth almost 1 million euros.

Nosatîi thanked Germany for offering support through aid projects and in logistics sector. More than 400 Moldovan soldiers have undertaken training in medicine, artillery and military instruction.

Moldova’s pro-EU President Maia Sandu wants to join the  European Union. The country gained EU accession candidate status in 2022.

Russia continues to wield influence in the country of about 2.5 million residents, which was part of the Soviet Union until 1991.

Russian soldiers have been stationed in the breakaway Moldovan region of Transnistria since the early 1990s. There are renewed fears that Moscow could use unrest in the region as a pretext for escalation in the wake of its war against Ukraine.

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