Romanian farmers demand their rights, in light of recent difficulties

Sursa: Pixabay

The Farmers’ Force Association (AFF) suggests that all parties and NGO leaders commit to a national agri-food pact with clear measures and implementation deadlines, according to a press statement released by the association on Monday.

AFF also asks for that the signing of this pact to automatically lead to the resignation of the incumbent agriculture minister, whose resignation should become effective even when just one of these measures is not implemented on schedule or in accordance with the pact.

„We have seen in the case of Poland that when there is a 100% political commitment to solving the farmers’ problems, solutions are found, bilaterally or at the European level, without total support for Ukraine amid the war with Russia being affected in any way. That is why AFF believes that the time has come for such a national agri-food pact. AFF will put forth a raft of measures for the next 16-18 months, for large crops, horticulture, animal husbandry, as well as for the processing and food industry. We will send, as an emergency, official letters to all party leaders and to all chairs of farmers’ associations, including the Alliance for Agriculture and Co-operation, inviting them to start together negotiating a national agri-food pact,” AFF national leader Vlad Macovei is quoted as saying in the statement.

AFF is a professional organisation that represents the interests of all categories of agri-food producers in Romania, regardless of size, sector or region. It is said to defend for the rights and legitimate interests of over 20,000 members directly registered or who are part of AFF-affiliated organisations. It provides free legal advice to its members and for accessing European funds, as well as media and petitioning support for all issues reported by members, being an institutional dialogue partner of central and local public administrations in order to achieve the objective of its members „to place agriculture on the offensive”.

Romanian farmers rise up before the European Commission


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