Romanian police car gets stuck on beach

Probleme pentru doi polițiști din ConstanțaFoto: Captura YouTube
Probleme pentru doi polițiști din ConstanțaFoto: Captura YouTube

A Romanian police car that got stuck on the beach has caused mirth online.

Video images show two police officers struggling to get out of the the which got stuck in a puddle of water on the beach. One rolls his trousers up and walks barefoot while another puts black garbage bags over his shoes, the video shows.


„Look, mate! A Constanta police car stuck on beach. How come they are allowed to drive on the beach and they’re not even in a BMW. One policeman got out of the car barefoot,” said the person who posted the images on TikTok.

„They aren’t even able to get out of the water anymore,” a child’s voice can be heard saying after which several adults can be heard laughing.

Then the images show a policeman with his legs wrapped in what appear to be garbage bags. „What do we have here!? A policeman who put his feet in garbage bags, which are pretty much pulled off his feet,” a man’s voice can be heard.

Those who shared the images say that more than 20 spectators gathered, and another car, a Dacia Duster, came „after half an hour of torment and trials”.

The car was later towed out by another more powerful car.

It is unclear what the police car was doing on the beach. Cars are banned from tourist beaches, except from those with a specific purpose, such as vehicles used for beach maintenance.

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