Romanians view local, EU elections as test ahead of crucial presidential, parliamentary vote

Inquam Photos / Simion Sebastian Tataru

Voting was brisker than usual Sunday in European and local elections being held in Romania in  a poll seen as a gauge ahead of parliamentary and presidential elections this year.

Turnout was over 40% at 6 p:m after 10 hours of voting–two percentage points more than the number of voters in the same elections four years ago.

Eyes are on the hard-right AUR party which is expected to come second, up from fourth place in the 2020 parliamentary elections, the year the party was created. It is uncertain which EU parliamentary group it could join due to an disagreement with Hungary’s right-wing Fidesz party.

Romania’s governing coalition of the Social Democrats and the National Liberal Party are expected to easily come first. The progressive center-right Save Romania Union known as the USR predicted to come third.

As well as Romania, elections are being held across the European Union for the European parliamentary elections to choose their representatives for the next five-year term.

Polls opened in 20 EU member states, including Romania, early Sunday for the June 6-9 elections for a new European Parliament, the legislative arm of the 27-member bloc.

AUR and other nationalistic parties which became more popular during the Covid pandemic are looking for gains amid a rise in living costs and the war in Ukraine.

Romanians are focusing on the economy, public health and the future of the bloc. Many see the vote as a dress rehearsal for presidential elections in September when President Klaus Iohannis will step down after serving a maximum two terms, and parliamentary elections expected for December.

Exit polls will be released after polls close and 10 pm with final results expected Monday.

Today’s the last chance: how to vote in Romania


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