4K military jobs recruiting in Romania

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The Ministry of National Defense announced on May 2nd that it is starting a campaign to hire professional soldiers for the Romanian Army’s force structure.

According to a press release of the Ministry of Defense, at the level of the Romanian Army, one of the most extensive recruitment and selection campaigns is organized to fill 4,159 vacancies of professional soldiers.

Between May 2 and June 16, candidates can apply for registration in the zonal, county or sector military centers (as the case may be) in whose area of ​​responsibility they are residents of.

The candidate recruitment and selection calendar is as follows: registration: May 2 – June 16; psychological assessment, motor capacity assessment, interview: May 22 – June 23; medical examination: June 6 – 30; the final deadline for drawing up the files: July 21.

The addresses of the military centers can be found by accessing the links: www.defense.ro/cariera-recrutare-mapn-ro and www.recrutaremapn.ro/contactbir.php, informs the ministry.

„Along with the other soldiers, the SGP have the noble mission of preserving the integrity and sovereignty of the state, of defending the citizens of the country. They are also called in any situation that affects the normal development of life (calamities, natural or technological disasters, etc.)”, a press release explains.

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