Day of European Authors celebrated for the first time today

Sursa: Pixabay

The Day of European Authors on 27 March 2023 is an initiative of the European Commission to reconnect younger generations with book reading and to help them discover the diversity of European literature.

Beyond encouraging young people to reconnect with books, this yearly celebration aims to show how literature can be a tool for individual empowerment. Books and reading can enable people in secondary education to engage with ongoing social and personal challenges.

The Day is also an opportunity to emphasise the importance of all the programs and initiatives already running in individual EU countries to promote reading.

3 activities have been organised for this occasion:

1. Reading sessions in schools.

2. Tour by European authors. Meet our writers on tour here.

3. A conference on reading promotion in Sofia, Bulgaria (9.00–18.30). The conference is an opportunity to share examples and practices on how the education system and the book sector are collaborating to implement reading promotion actions in schools at local, national and European level. Watch the conference streaming.

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