Elon Musk wants to make us pay for Twitter

Elon Musk has declared to Israeli president Benjamin Netanyahu that the only way to counter bots on Twitter – which he has rebaptized „X” – is put a paywall for the platform into implementation.

The paywall will be comprised of a „small monthly payment system”, Musk says.

Given that paid verification has been mentioned by Musk multiple times since he bought the platform, it would not be unreasonable to assume that sooner or later this measure will indeed be put into action – though how many people are willing to pay for Twitter is probably a smaller faction that Musk imagines.

X Premium already exists, and gives users certain benefits – such as circumventing Twitter’s tiny word limit for posts, or offering more visibility. At present, this costs 8 USD per month.

Elon Musk is currently the richest person earth.

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