Pope Francis wants to ban surrogacy

Sursa: Facebook

On January 8th, Pope Francis called for a global ban on surrogacy, stating: „I deem deplorable the practice of so-called surrogate motherhood, which represents a grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child, based on the exploitation of situations of the mother’s material needs”.

Surrogacy turns a child into „an object of trafficking”, Francis added, saying a „child is always a gift and never the basis of a commercial contract.”

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine says in its recommended guidelines for surrogacy that potential carriers should have a „stable family environment with adequate support” and shouldn’t show any evidence of „financial or emotional coercion.”

Surrogates can earn roughly $40,000 and sometimes tens of thousands more, and all medical costs are typically paid for by the intended parent or parents.

This declaration came as a surprise for many, after Francis repeatedly expressed varying degrees of acceptance of the LGBT community.Surrogacy, however, is the only option for queer couples to have children, besides adoption – thus, this implicitly also marks a change in Francis’s apparent previous acceptance of LGBT couples.

The pope framed his condemnation of surrogacy as a human rights abuse, the Catholic tradition has consistently opposed surrogacy, in vitro fertilization and abortion on the grounds that they violate natural law, points out The Conversation.

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