Today’s the last chance: how to vote in Romania

Alegeri locale si europarlamentare la sectiile de votare organizate la Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 30 din Timisoara, Duminica 9 Iunie 2024. Inquam Photos / Cornel Putan

Today, Sunday, June 9, Romanian citizens vote for local elections, as well as for their chosen members of the European Parliament. 

Local elections will determine local budgets, public services, and urban and rural development. 

As for the members of the European Parliament, they will contribute to making decisions for European Union citizens’ on the whole. 

Citizens should have a valid ID with them when they come to vote. This will be scanned at the entrance. Advancing to the electoral desk, they will sign their names, and then receive five ballots, each of which they will stamp once. 

Most importantly, voters should be careful to stamp their choices precisely, or their ballots will be cancelled – similarly, they must keep it folded shut, as it will also be cancelled if the ballot is left open. 

Voting locations open at 7 AM and close at 10 PM. 

Citizens can find out where they should be voting by accessing

Bookstore chain Cărturești is offering a free book today to everyone who comes in with an “I voted” sticker on their ID card. 

Direct flights from Romania to US resume after 20 years


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