Brancusi’s secret son. Story of the Romanian sculptor’s unrecognized child available on YouTube for 24 hours

Foto: Ionuț Țeianu

The documentary film In Search of the Lost Father / În căutarea tatălui pierdut, the story of John Moore, who was never recognized by his father, sculptor Constantin Brancusi will be available online for 24 hours.

The documentary which was released in 2016 in Romania, follows the struggle of John Moore to be recognized as sculptor’s son.

The fight adds an additional perspective to the artist’s legacy, one of the greatest sculptors of the 20th century who was a loner and dedicated himself to art.

John Moore was born in 1934 in London, and his mother, the pianist Vera Moore, gave him three names: John, Constantin, and Brancusi. She told him his father was Constantin Brancusi, the famous sculptor, and begged him never to tell a soul.

Even in the last year of the sculptor’s life, when he left the French state all his works of art from his Pars studio, Constantin  Brancusi never mentioned his son, who was then 23, reported.

„Even thought he lived in the Montparnasse district, less than a mile from Brancusi’ studio, John only ever saw his father once when he was 20. Vera asked him to drive him to the studio.  Brancusi opened the door, let Vera in and closed the door without looking at him. At that moment, John covertly took a photo, which came out blurred. But he always kept it in his memory box,” director Ionuţ Teianu said.

He kept the secret for most of his life, until he was 78, when he embarked on a difficult quest to find his lost father.

 Director Ionuț Teianu followed him from Paris and New York to Hobița, the Romanian village in the Carpathian foothills where Bramcusi was born.

“Brancusi lived a life alone and dedicated his existence to sculpture. He never lived as a couple. His longest relationship was with Vera Moore, John’s mother. I understand that there is a time for everything in  life. If he didn’t get involved at the right moment, it was too late later.”

It will be available starting Friday night at 20.00 on the YouTube channel of  Astra Film Festival. Romania marks 145 years since his birth this week with events staged in the capital and Targu Jiu, where three of his most iconic sculptures stand, including the Endless Column.

 In Search of the Lost Father was produced by Libra Film in co-production with Piments Pourpres (France), with the support of the Romanian CNC.

Ionuț Teianu previously directed The Tănase Dossier / Afacerea Tănase (2013), also produced by Libra Film, and wrote the script of Of Snails and Men / Despre oameni și melci (by Tudor Giurgiu, 2012).


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