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Get the latest news from Romania only at Here, you have all the latest news from all over the country. Don’t miss the most important headlines whether it’s politics and economics or showbiz and sport. We’ve got interviews with politicians and analysts, editorials written by experienced journalists and Universul TV, where journalists discuss political developments and how they affect Romanians’ lives.

Coronavirus cases climb to near 7,000 in Romania, deaths reach 346

Romania reached a total of almost 7,000 COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, with 246 new cases recorded in the last 24 hours. The Strategic Communication Group said 6,879 people had been sickened by the virus and 346 people had died. Some 50 Romanian citizens have succumbed to the virus abroad. The new...

Romanian bakery facing racism charges says 2 Sri Lankans WILL still bake bread despite anti-migrant protests

The owner of a bakery in central Romania says two Sri Lankans will continue to bake bread for the company, following protests by local residents who say they don’t want the men in their small town. In an about-face, bakery manager Katain Kollo on Sunday said the bakers, aged 49 and 22, would continue to work...

Abdication! The British tabloids’ frenzied coverage of the royals

printul harry si meghan markle
You’d have thought the Queen of England had abdicated. But the story that has gripped the British tabloids since an announcement in London Wednesday evening is merely news that the sixth in line to the British throne, Prince Harry, 35, and his wife Meghan Markle, are effectively resigning as senior members of the royal...

Romanian prosecutors detain former intelligence officer they say used wellness clinic as a cover for drug trafficking

Romanian prosecutors have arrested the former head of an intelligence agency saying he used an upmarket wellness clinic as a cover for drug trafficking, Mediafax news agency reported. Gelu Oltean, who was the chief of the interior ministry’s internal intelligence service, the Department for Intelligence and Internal Protection, until 2014, was arrested on Saturday...

Romanian prison authorities probe how ex-party chief allowed out of prison for 24 hours

Prison authorities say they are investigating how former chairman of the Social Democracy Party Liviu Dragnea was potentially granted an illegal one-day release from prison. The announcement came after Justice Minister Ana Birchall asked the National Penitentiaries Administration to provide details about his time out, reportedly late last week. Media reports said...

Chefs protest. ‘Thousands of jobs threatened by Covid-19 closure of restaurants,’ as authorities fine outdoor cafes for disregarding new rules

Dozens of chefs have protested Covid-19 lockdown restrictions saying that thousands of jobs are threatened by restaurant closures in the hard-hit sector. Chefs staged the second protest in recent days on Saturday in the Transylvanian city of Cluj, urging the government to reopen restaurants which have been closed since mid-March when the pandemic swept...

With millions abroad, Romania prepares to celebrate military-style national day at home

Romanians will celebrate the country’s national holiday on Sunday, with typical military fanfare at home, as millions of Romanians who left the country in search of better-paying jobs and more opportunities prepare to mark the day abroad. The Dec. 1 celebrations come exactly a week after President Klaus Iohannis  was re-elected as president with 66% of the vote, defeating...

The party is over!

Things are happening. First there was the self-detonation of the “resist” binomial from the Dragnea-Tăriceanu government: Tudorel Toader and Viorica Dăncilă. The former Minister of Justice and the former Prime Minister suddenly started talking about how they were pressured by Dragnea and Tariceanu (Nea Nicu and Coana Leana of the PSD - ALDE dictatorship) to issue a...

May 2010 – May 2020. Will Iohannis succeed where Băsescu failed?

Is there any resemblance between Klaus Iohannis and Traian Băsescu? No, there isn’t. It is difficult to find two more different people. However, the ways in which they have trodden their presidential paths are starting to look alike to a great extent. Very worrying! Why worrying? Because Traian Băsescu failed to reach most of...

Romanian court bans hunting of dozens of species of wild birds

Romanian Ornithological Society, foto Emil Todorov
A Romanian court has suspended hunting quotas for dozens of species of wild bird for the upcoming hunting season, in a ruling that was welcomed by the Romanian Ornithological Society The Brasov Court of Appeal ruled on August 20 that the hunting of 36 species would be banned for the 2020-2021 season. The...