Romania’s Orthodox Church decries war against Ukraine, a ‘sovereign, independent state’

Patriarhul Daniel. Sursa: INQUAM/George Călin

Romania’s powerful Orthodox Church on Friday decried Russia’s assault on Ukraine “an independent, sovereign state” and called for prayers for the neighboring country.

Russian President Vladimir Putin  unleashed an attack on Ukraine early Thursday,  drawing international condemnation.

Romania shares a 600-kilometer border with southwest Ukraine. and refugees fleeing war have begun to pour over the border.

Like Romanians, most Ukrainians belong to the  Orthodox Church.

„The Romanian Orthodox Church and the other important institutions from Romania and the European Union are greatly worried about the start of war in Ukraine, started by Russia against a sovereign and independent state,” a message from the patriarchy said.

„In this way, we express the hope that Western politicians can find the way to have a peaceful dialogue for the good of Ukraine and all of Europe.”

“We express full solidarity with Romania Christian Orthodox who live in Ukraine as well as the willingness to help as much as we can.”

“We ask the Merciful God, the Lord of peace, of justice and love to protect the Ukrainian people and the to give wisdom to all responsible political leaders.”

Romanian Orthodox Church distances itself from bishop’s pro-Putin comments



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